Start saving items to your Wishstore today to ensure you always receive gifts you love.
Download our free app to your phone and as you browse your favourite shops online, save all
the things you want to your Wishstore and share it with friends and family. Never receive
another unwanted gift again.
The Wishstore app gives you a fast and simple way to get to your Wishstore and provides the
Wishstore extension in Safari iOS. Save items to your Wishstore as you browse on Safari using
your share button and selecting the Wishstore icon.
Main features
● Easy to save from your favourite brands and shops as you browse online
● Share your Wishstore with friends and family easily through Facebook or email
● Click directly on items in your Wishstore to buy them from the retailer
● Does Wishstore work on other browsers on my phone like Chrome?
At the moment, the Wishstore button will only work on Safari. We will include other browsers
in future updates.
● Can my friends and family buy my saved items directly from Wishstore?
Yes, Wishstore is an online wish list that saves all your favourite items from across the web.
Once you click an item in Wishstore you will be instantly directed to the retailer’s site to make
a purchase.
● Is Wishstore suitable for everyone?
Yes, Wishstore is the perfect solution for all people and all ages who want to receive gifts and
presents they love.